Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Apollo 18: The True Story of How NASA Discovered Aliens on the Moon

966911760 Apollo 18 is an upcoming “found footage” film soon to hit theaters everywhere. The premise of this conspiratorial-based flick is that NASA had launched several moon missions past number 17- which was their last according to “official” sources.
What astronauts had discovered during these secret lunar adventures were certainly grounds for a heavy cover-up. During the Apollo 18 mission, alien creatures were said to have been discovered which threatened the mission outright.
A fascinating clip has surfaced which supposedly shows astronauts from the Apollo 20 mission examining an “Inuit looking” alien corpse. The clip is provided below.

Considering that places such as Area 51 do exist despite government telling us that it doesn’t is proof enough that there is some deep-level bullshit going down that the public is unaware of in terms of extraterrestrial interactivity.
In the past, NASA has been caught deliberately smudging photos showing water, trees, and giant structures on both our moon and the planet Mars. If the Space Agency is capable of this level of deception, what other lies are they force feeding to the public?
NASA was established just shortly after the close of the second world war when scores of Nazi scientists were brought to America via a secret program titled, “Operation Paperclip”. Werner Von Braun, the man most credited to have gotten us to the moon, was himself a high level Nazi officer who used slave labor to produce devastating rockets for Adolf Hitler’s army.
Apollo missions may still be happening to this day. Remember, we share a planet with unintelligent, prescription medicated NFL fans. In such a world, the government is capable of getting away with virtually anything!

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